Banks Road is going full force into implementing our new Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS). The art room is embracing this with the use of Compass Coins and Blazer Bucks. Classes earn Compass Coins at the end of class when they work as a team to meet our classroom expectations. Individual students are earning Blazer Bucks for their personal contributions to being Responsible, Respectful and Safe in the art room. The students can then use the Blazer Bucks that they earn in the classroom and anywhere around the school to purchase art from our NEW Art Store!
I am looking forward to this year and seeing how our new additions will make the art room experience even more fun!
Art Room Expectations:
-Treat others the way you would like to be
-Listen when others are talking
-Listen during instructions
-Speak constructively about other artists’
-Treat art supplies and tools with care
-Find your seat quickly
-Follow directions
-Put things back where they belong
-Clean up your work area
-Keep your table basket tidy
-Help keep our art studio/classroom organized
and clean
- Clean up spills
-Use tools appropriately
-Follow sink safety rules
-Keep hands and feet to yourself
-Sit properly on your stool