We learned about how dancing is not only a fun way to get your heart pumping, making you healthier but a way that many cultures around the world, and throughout time, have expressed themselves. We also learned about how the design of the video game itself needs an artist or designer's eye to make it the best it can be.
The designers could have just made plain backgrounds with plain people to go with the music and dance and you still could have a good time playing the game. Instead, they brought in more by dressing the characters up in clothes that represent the time period, culture or subject of the song. The backgrounds also help to enhance our experience by providing us with landscapes of other places and even some very famous architecture such as St. Basil's Cathedral and the Taj Mahal.
Sometimes it is easy to forget how important art is in our lives, but if you stop for a second and look around, you will probably notice it all around you. It is in the music you listen to on your way to school or work, in the posters on your walls, the design of your video games. Throughout time art has been a way to add a little spice to life and a way for people to express their feelings and ideas. We can learn about different places, cultures, time periods and even the person we sit right next to everyday through the art they make. Go and leave your own mark on the world! Be creative! Go make some art!